Yes, it was my last day of my vacation in Fuerteventura, all packed and ready to go back. As usual got ready went downstairs for breakfast. Had lots of pancakes and water melon with Victoria and John, then went outside sat with them outside. They kept saying your flight will be cancelled as Gatwick Airport is closed and you’ll have to stay here for one more day. I wouldn’t mind that as it was warm here, not eager to go in the cold. Plus I was enjoying their company. The only issue was that I had to go home to write my blog, already I am so slow, sorry about that.
I got a few drinks and snacks from the pool bar, sat with them till 11:00 am, and then hugged them and greeted them good-bye, as my taxi to the airport was at half eleven. My flight was at 2:00 pm. As I approached the reception at 11:15 am to ask for help to take out my luggage from the room, I was told that I had to stay one more night in Fuerteventura due to the bad weather in UK all flights to Gatwick have been cancelled. We spoke to Denise (one of the Thomas Cook representatives) she advised us that I should not go to the airport instead stay at the hotel and wait for her, said the Spanish hotel manager at the reception. I then went and sat in the lounge which was situated next to the reception. Soon Denise was here, she first spoke with the manager and then came to me. She explained me the entire situation. She told me that definitely I am leaving today, except ure flight is delayed. Instead of flying at 2:00 pm it will leave Fuerteventura at half ten at night and as Gatwick airport is closed, it will land at Stansted. Well that was not good news at all, I had a many questions to ask and I did ask all my questions. Then she answered, ‘don't worry Nadia’ she first comforted me, ‘the taxi is gonna pick you from here at half five. Then one of our Thomas Cook representative will meet you at the Fuerteventura airport and will guide you from there. At 10:30 pm is ure flight. You’ll land at Stansted airport but I can assure you that from there a taxi arranged by us will take you to Gatwick, then you can catch ure train from there.’ That means I’ll be arriving UK 2 in the morning and by the time a taxi drives me to Gatwick it will be around four. The trains start running at half five, that means I have to wait for an hour at Gatwick. Apparently there were lots of people even sleeping at Gatwick as their flights had been delayed or even cancelled.

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