Hi my friends, Happy New Year and hope alls well.
I know what I am gonna say now is completely not about travelling, but for this year I somehow managed to invest a bit of money in a business. I have now my own fashion collection called 'nadiahmed COLLECTIONS'. I dunno if its gonna be successful or not, but at least I can say I tried it and its a great learning experience.
Please support me by checking out my blog at http://nadiahmedcollections.blogspot.com/
I also have a facebook page athttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Nadiahmed-Collections/132730403454228?ref=ts
All rights reserved. nadiahmed@excite.com +44 (0)789 6250265Please do join my facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120688481285587